Der Bahnhof Naumburg |
update August 2004 |
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After a journey with the historical train " Hessencourier " from Kassel to Naumburg I decided to build a little end station following FREMO-standards:
Naumburg is end station of the 33.4 km long line from Kassel to Naumburg, named Kassel- Naumburger Eisenbahn (KNE). The greatest gradient is 1:35. Therefore steam engines faced always to Naumburg, to have enough water over the fire box!
During a FREMO-meeting on September 12th 1987 in Unna I exhibited the layout with my first hand-laid turnouts. The Trackplan ( H0 of course ) was taken out off a book. It is true to scale, from the first turnout to the bumper. I've scratchbuilt switchstands for my turnouts. They work with push-pull-mode. A brass tube is to be pulled or pushed. You get the endposition with the switch for frog polarity. At the same time the points are moved accordingly. Lantern and lever are just as mobile according to the model.
Station , farm co-op, team track with ramp, engine shop, a mixture from different eras with water tower are scratchbuilt after the prototype. I used pictures or plans from the prototype. At the beginning of this railroad in the first years of this century there was a two stall enginehouse with water tower and shop. In the following years there were several additions
Prototype pictures: Pictures are linked to a larger view, click on them.
at a FREMO-meeting spring 1993 in Naumburg Ingo took a picture with "Naumburg" and me:
Prototype 1988 with "surveyor" Eric (top) and model at a FREMO-meeting in Schalksmühle 2003
And a few prototype pictures, made Feb 17, 2002:
More model pictures? Look at FREMO meetings with "Naumburg"!
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