Wolfgang Dudler

Der Bahnhof Naumburg (H0 - model and prototype)

WESTPORT TERMINAL RR (freelance private roadname layout in modules, H0)

In October 2010 I've earned MMR 452.
BLT: Feb 1999, Miles: over 8500
NEW: Apr 2001, Miles:  



My profession is that of teacher. I taught mathematics and physics at the Friedrich Baehrens Gymnasium (a German "gymnasium" prepares students for the University). Since Jan 31, 2008 I'm retired.

My leisure time (after taking care of my family) is devoted to my model railroad. I got my first toy train at the age of 3 in 1949. Since that time a lot has changed. The FREMO in particular gave me many ideas.

Where do you want to go?    
  Blog, ideas and projects

family (recipes)

Der Bahnhof Naumburg

Prototype and H0-model of Naumburg.


Member of Fremo Belt Lines.
Westport Terminal RR exists in my imagination and in the basement.
new yard at Westport with operation

Naumburg EG
Unna 1999
"Henry" at Third Street Industrial District


also at blip.tv and at YouTube

jump to special WT divisions or sitemap,               Publications, articles

Layout History / What's new?

Silver Valley RR with video

latest picture:

scratch building a curved trestle
download services pdf, xls    

Are you interested in the pass exchange or would you like to get your personalized electronic rail pass ?

Or take a journey, start here and follow "next"  

The Operations Special Interest Group
Focused on Realistic Prototype Operation

This website was featured

June 22 to July 22,  2001
Member of International List of Scale Model Related Web Sites
goldenweb pic
City Station Award Gold
  The Smokin' Award(TM) AP at smokin.kvrr.net

Links to some of my favorite web sites:


Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine - Totally electronic, totally interactive, totally free - Premier issue: January 2009

A switching tutorial

DCCwiki     GenWiki

Zur Schule         NMRA       Atlantic region NMRA        Cartoons

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If you have any comments or questions write to Wolfgang Dudler or sign my guestbook or look in my old guestbook

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© Wolfgang Dudler

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